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Lua MythTV alert example


Example to send alert to MythTV

hosts = {}
hosts[''] = 6948
hosts[''] = 6948
hosts[''] = 6948
cid_text = [[<mythnotify version="1">
<container name="notify_cid_info">
<textarea name="notify_cid_num">
<value> "NAME" (NUM) is calling</value>
name = session:getVariable("effective_caller_id_name")
number = session:getVariable("effective_caller_id_number")
if not number then
number = session:getVariable("caller_id_number")
if not name then
name = 'Unknown'
freeswitch.consoleLog("info", "name" .. name .. "\n")
freeswitch.consoleLog("info", "number".. number .. "\n")
cid_text = string.gsub(cid_text, 'NAME', name)
cid_text = string.gsub(cid_text, 'NUM', number)
for host, port in pairs(hosts) do
udp = assert(socket.udp())
ip = assert(socket.dns.toip(host))
assert(udp:sendto(cid_text, ip, port))

Alternative version that broadcasts to all hosts

I needed something a little different as my frontends use dhcp, and are not always on. Thus, sometimes their dhcp lease has expired, which means they don't have a hostname (I use dnsmasq, btw). This causes the script above to error out with a "host not found" error. I just changed it to broadcast to all hosts on my lan.


broadcast_ip = ''
-- this assumes all frontends are using the standard port
port = 6948

cid_text = [[<mythnotify version="1">
<container name="notify_cid_info">
<textarea name="notify_cid_num">
<value> "NAME" (NUM) is calling</value>

name = session:getVariable("effective_caller_id_name")
number = session:getVariable("effective_caller_id_number")
if not number then
number = session:getVariable("caller_id_number")
if not name then
name = 'Unknown'
fnumber = number:sub(1,3).."-"..number:sub(4,6).."-"..number:sub(7,10)

freeswitch.consoleLog("info", "name: " .. name .. "\n")
freeswitch.consoleLog("info", "number: ".. number .. "\n")

cid_text = string.gsub(cid_text, 'NAME', name)
cid_text = string.gsub(cid_text, 'NUM', fnumber)

udp = assert(socket.udp())
assert(udp:setoption("broadcast", true))
assert(udp:sendto(cid_text, broadcast_ip, port))